Month: July 2015

Capri Activewear Part Deux

My first pair of capris are great and still going strong. I had a second piece of spandex fabric that I bought to make a second pair. I finally decided to sit down and make them. This fabric has a panel repeating design. I had to be careful about cutting this fabric. I didn’t want it to look like there were magical colors shooting out my crotch or behind.

Mardi Gras Thigh
I cut the one leg with the design going all the way down the leg. It’s almost like Mardi Gras except there’s no beads at this party. Well maybe beads of sweat! The other leg ended up being plain black, well for the most part.

These pair ended up a bit longer than the first but fits just as well.

The two legs look like a continuation of the other which was a happy accident.

I made the waistband with the colorful panel piece with a wide elastic. I prefer the 3″ elastic for the waistband. I think it’s comfortable and it doesn’t try to twist around in the wash.

Full Shot
I figured this time around I would take photos in front of the treadmill. Seems like the appropriate place for activewear no? Of course this is prior to workout. You can tell because I’m still smiling!

Quick note:

I’m going to have to take a bit of time off from my blog. 😢 Hubby and I are picking and making a big move to Arizona. So all my time is going to be spent putting everything in boxes. I’m hoping to only be gone a few weeks but it depends on how long it takes to get settled in.

1st Blogiversary

Disclaimer: some of this post, okay a majority of it was written while intoxicated. I guess I really love my blog to think about it when no other thoughts come clearly to me.

Happy anniversary to me! It has been a whole year. 1 whole year. 365 days! I’m amazed with how quickly the time has flown by.

Why did I start this blog? Well I started it to keep track of all my Jamie-made stuff. I think I make a lot of stuff then in reality when you start tracking everything you realize that there’s not that much. I’m lazy. What the heck. Other people are turning out two posts a week. How? What kind of sewing magic do you possess?

I’m also trying to learn. There’s a big difference between RTW cloths and hand-made clothes. I want my clothes to look kind of ready to wear but not so cheap and factory made by the thousand.

I really do enjoy this blog. I like writing about what I make, the infuriating parts of sewing as a newbie (zips, instructions, ripping everything apart a zillion times) even though I lie to people and say I’m an intermediate sewist. The only part I really find trying of the blog is the pictures. Are there enough? Are there too many? What the hell is that face I’m making?

Hopefully this year will be better than the last. I’ve got a better handle on the whole blog thing. I participated in my first Me-Made-May. I made a pair of pants. Which I still need to totally make more. I’ve bought the Jamie Jeans pattern. Which, hello! I’m Jamie so I need the jeans pattern intended for me! So hopefully we’ll see that soon.

What else does this year have in store? Well a big move across country but we can talk about that more later. A lot more sewing hopefully a better selection of fabrics. My bestie lives in LA and I heard they have a killer fabric district.

Can I also say I’m terribly jealous of Lladybird and all her bras? Totally strange comment but her bra making skills are crazy! Buying cheap, crappy bras that last a few months isn’t doing it for me.

Lots of random thoughts, but exciting none the less. I know I talk a lot about my sewing but there’s always a few odds and ends thrown in. Pinterest: Success or Fail are some of my favorites to do. Is it bad when I enjoy that things go badly? I think it makes the post much more interesting with my ranting and raving.

Hopefully some more crafts. The last big one I did was the River Song diary. I just haven’t been inspired lately to make something in that realm of making.

Big thanks goes out to everyone that follows me, checks in frequently (or not so frequently) or accidentally stumbled onto my blog on their way to someplace else! Can’t wait for another year of crafty fabulousness!!!