
My name is Jamie and I’m a crafter…

I feel like saying I’m a crafter doesn’t really encompass all that do. There’s sewing, crocheting, knitting, woodworking, and any random thing I’ve decided that I want to make. So maybe a better name is Creator of All the Things!

Everything I do is self taught. I am by no means an expert in anything that I do. Having said that, don’t think I just half ass and throw stuff together. Everything is meticulously thought out and I learn with every make. I do consider myself a jack-of-all trades type of girl. If it involves making something, I’m so there!

As for my normal, everyday job, I work 9-5 in an office. So all the creative stuff happens in my off time. Ya know, when I’m not napping or playing with my four furry kids who love to make cameos on my blog.

I started this blog as a way to keep track of what I make. Plus I get to share my mishaps and my successes. You might find some Jamie-Made tutorials and links to tutorials I found helpful here too. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy making it and all the things within!

If anyone is curious about the lovely ladies in my life (my machines or my mechanical friends, because we do have conversations and spend a ton of time together),  I have two Baby Locks. My sewing machine is Katherine and she’s new in my life. She’s quiet but strong. The serger is an Imagine. It has jet air threading and if you never tested one or you’re thinking of getting a serger, you must check out how a little puff of air can make you instantly giggle with happiness.

Let’s take a look around my sewing room!

This is my little sewing corner. My desk is from Ikea. It’s a flat table top, a couple legs, and the left side is a four square shelving unit that holds my fabric. Except all of it that’s on the top of the table. 😂 Hubby built me the supply board when I first started getting into sewing. It’s so handy! Everything I need is right at my finger tips. I also have a chalkboard to keep a running list of my planned makes, when I got them done and also if I need to go buy anything.

Here’s my ladies; Imagine and Katherine, both from Babylock. I highlighted my awesome knitted coaster because it’s my only completed knitting project! Recently I started recycling my textiles, ie little leftover bits of fabric so I have a separate container for those.

I recently built a shelf specifically for my blu-ray player. I wanted something unusual so I added a few more layers. This gave me room for all my thread cones and my kitty dispenser for putting together all those pdf patterns.

Having a functional sewing space makes it easier to create and it’s so nice to be in an area I love.

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